5 Ways the Internet Has Changed Our World Forever

Truth be told, the ways the internet has changed our lives in incalculable ways for us to summarize them in an article but it’s a topic worth pouring over. If only to understand the vast improvements the internet has made on the quality of life and compare it to the state of lifestyle only two decades ago.
Now that internet has made his impact on the Sultanate of Oman, and is here to stay; let's recall all the ways the internet has made our lives easier. One thing to remember before going into all the details is that smartphone technology has contributed to the popularity of the internet in a major way. The fastest internet is the latest hangout where you can find everyone in the whole wide world. Take a look at what happens on the internet globally in a single minute:
Now close your eyes and go back in time. A simpler time when the World Wide Web wasn't on your beck n' call every minute of every day. How does a world without Google, Apple, Amazon, and Twitter look like? Surely it’s missing all the color and the energy of today, something we have come to take for granted these days.
The Internet technology is still relatively young (it turns 28 in 2018) and yet the global interconnectivity has already affected all walks of life. It all started with a copper cable plugged into the phone line, and now we possess the entire world in the palm of our hand, and we don’t even need cables anymore.
If you look at the stats above; there are over two thousand million users in ASIA region alone in the year of 2017 and these numbers are only to grow higher with the passage of time. There is an entire generation that knows no life without digitalization, the generation that’s otherwise known as Millennials.
There is not one field of life where technology hasn’t left its imprints but there is one key aspect that needs to be taken care of if you really intend to take advantage of the internet. And that would be the ability to adapt and evolve. People who consciously adapt to the latest internet trend and predict them in advance are now running some of the most profitable business in the world. 
Below are some of the fields that have entertained most vital changes as a consequence of the age of the internet:
·       Research
Google, Wikipedia, and Bing are few of the most used research outlets in the world today. You can get valid and instant answers without having to go through bulky references books or searching libraries or news archives. Everything is on your fingertips now, you type in the questions and the answer pops up. Given that your research skills are strong enough to separate fake from real.
Communication paths have vastly improved ever since the world has been introduced to the internet. From chat rooms to group video calling and social media, the internet has reduced the world to fit the palm of your hand. You can see and speak to anyone in the world without much trouble in real time and retrospect.
·       Shopping
Online shopping has to be one of the top 5 inventions of the internet. Amazon, eBay, and other online shopping portals have eliminated the need for shoppers to leave the comfort of their homes. You can now shop while walking to your work in the morning or at 3 am. You can order anything online from food to a drone.
·       Entertainment
No longer, one needs to watch movies on VHS tapes, you can stream any movie or TV show you want in the real-time and enjoy it in the best digital quality. Similarly, music and songs are no longer bound to the audio tapes, you have the phone in your hand and you can listen to any tune anywhere.
·       Financial Services
Thank the internet for saving you the trips to your bank for the simplest transactions. You can take your banking online and manage your finances more efficiently.

What are your opinions about the internet? Which industry or area of life has been most influenced by the internet? Comment your answers below:


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