Internet Services Usage in Oman

Residents of Oman are no longer stranger to the internet in 2016. In fact, the internet awareness has grown in all middle east this past year, still Oman has far to go before its effective use of the internet is complete. There are many internet services offering quality internet packages to people of Oman, especially Awasr that’s has been unstoppable since its launch in March 2016. According to an estimate, Oman’s Internet statistics in Oman stand somewhat like this:
Out of Oman’s total population of 4,654,471 people, 3,310,260 people are using internet services. Which means that internet has reached 71.1% approx. of Oman’s population in 2016.  Let’s have a look at what Omanis are doing on the internet:

4 Steps to Select the Best ISP in OMAN

1.    Identify the Internet Speed You Need

Internet speed or bandwidth is an important factor while selecting an ISP (Internet Service Provider). Bandwidth is measured in Mbps and MBps and its rate of up streaming and down streaming of data. The higher the volume of data you need to download, the higher bandwidth you require. It also depends on your internet connection type (DSL, Cable, Fibrenet, Wireless) and if you are using any other services on the same network like television or landline telephone.
2.    Choosing the Download Allowance

You cannot actually say how much you are going to download data in a month, especially if your patterns tend to change. You could be gone on a holiday and don’t need to download anything or you can be at home & binge-watching movies in which case you would, need loads of data. So try to go with the maximum download you can afford so that your connectivity never halts when you need it the most.

3.    Research the ISPs in Your Area:

Check which providers are working in your area and read up on their offering packages. Speak to your friends and families to seek their opinion. For people of Oman, living in o Al-Mawaleh, Al Khoud, Mabela, Al Hail, and Shatti, Al Mubailah, Al-Ghubra, Al Qurum areas, Awasr is offering optic fibrenet internet services with a bandwidth speed of 1 Gbps.

4.    Make sure that Your ISP has a Supportive Customer Support Service:

Mostly that’s the major problem with internet service. In the beginning, it all starts off great and the ISP make tempting offers, help you customize your package, delivers all the equipment needed and maybe send a technician to help you get set up. But once you are a customer, their service standards take a drop. No ISP is pruned to service mishaps, of course, and it happens due to sensitive networks yet you need a provider who gives you a brush off when you call about any problem you have been experiencing.

Take all these factors into account before deciding on an ISP provider.  Happy Browsing!


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