
Choosing Internet Broadband Connection for low-income families

Internet connections are essential today, but they are notoriously expensive with all their data plans and bandwidth limitations. The Sultanate of Oman is no different in this matter; the internet broadband prices are incredibly high. The average speed of internet connections are steadily improving in Oman and still have a long way to go. If you are looking for a new internet package for your family, there are a few things you need to consider first. Each member of any family usually has his/her own unique internet surfing habits. When looking for an internet connection you need to take into account the internet habits of all your family members. The number of exciting options available on the internet to spend one’s time productively or otherwise has made it a must-have home accessory. One can learn anything about anything that is known to the man today. You could use AR/VR technology to educate, learn, entertain and discover in a more involved manner. To benefit from all the vi

Why Should You Choose Fibre Optic Internet Connections

There are times when you know it’s time to upgrade your internet service provider. Not all internet connection providers live up to the huge claims they make before they rope you in. When that happens and poor internet connection forces you to explore the market to choose between different available internet connections types, you must be thorough in your research before you make your decision. We implore you to go with the fibre internet connection for both commercial and private usage. True, it’s not widely available but if it’s offered in your area you must check it out. In theory, fibre optic internet connection uses thin shards of glass to transmit data at a much faster pace as compared to the copper cables.  The percentage of data loss during transmission in fibre optic is minimal. The data is transferred in binary form (0’s and 1’s). How Fibre Internet Connections Hold Superiority Over Other Connection Types? The speed and quality of the internet usually depend upon th

Fiber Internet Speed for Everybody

Fiber Optic Internet Connections have to be the smartest option for the big families’ connectivity. You know why? Because it offers the highest internet speed to all connected devices without compromising the connection. It might be a bit costly than DSL, cable and even satellite internet in terms of the effective internet service . Fiber Optic Internet can offer up to 1 Gbps and even up to 10 Gbps. In this article we will discuss the internet requirement of the residential sectors and how much bandwidth they should opt for in order to achieve effective internet usage for everyone. If you already using an internet service connection then before you think about getting an upgrade, you might want to test the current speed of your internet connection. Even if just to know how much higher you should opt for in terms of bandwidth for your entire family and all the gadgets connected to the internet (laptops, desktops, smartphones, Kindles, tablets and music pods). There are many web

5 Ways the Internet Has Changed Our World Forever

Truth be told, the ways the internet has changed our lives in incalculable ways for us to summarize them in an article but it’s a topic worth pouring over. If only to understand the vast improvements the internet has made on the quality of life and compare it to the state of lifestyle only two decades ago. Now that internet has made his impact on the Sultanate of Oman, and is here to stay; let's recall all the ways the internet has made our lives easier. One thing to remember before going into all the details is that smartphone technology has contributed to the popularity of the internet in a major way. The  fastest internet is the latest hangout where you can find everyone in the whole wide world. Take a look at what happens on the internet globally in a single minute: Now close your eyes and go back in time. A simpler time when the World Wide Web wasn't on your beck n' call every minute of every day. How does a world without Google, Apple, Amazon, and Twitter look

Bandwidth Bottleneck

You must all be familiar with internet bandwidth in today’s time and age. You think of it as lanes on the highway, they allow more traffic to move on high speed at once. The bandwidth bottleneck is a term used for the slow internet connection where data flow is limited by the network resources. Internet service providers , however, aren’t the only cause of bandwidth bottleneck. Sometimes the naturally occurring high use of the network slows or alter the internet connection speed of the users or speed of the content producers, it can also happen simultaneously to both. (Learn about that time when 15,000 US customers missed that Game of Thrones episode due to a streaming failure on HBO’s part.) Why does that happen? Simply put, this performance quality of internet is affected because computing demands of today are increasing at a pace much faster than that the capacity of our networks. According to some experts, this phenomenon is rather common in which every time a new technol

Let’s Keep Yourself Connected with Friends and Family

    We all know the world is changing every day! It does not mean that we need to forget the values of the people around us! It is impossible today to make any trip together as everyone stays busy in their busy routines! Hence, it is way important to stay connected with them to let them feel that they are important for you! Nowadays, alone trips are more often than making a plan along with friends and family as everyone has their own commitments! We can’t force them to miss their important work for few days of enjoyment! We need to be more acceptable for each other to make comfort for them! That is why we need to trip alone if it is really needed! In the world of today, we are watching people going on their trips all alone because our circles are busy and you do not want to miss the opportunity to enjoy your few days of holiday just because nobody else can go with you! Therefore people are always looking forward to going with the adventure groups for their trips where they get chance

What is Internet of Things (IoT)

         Are you a fan of Bond movies? Or any awesome spy movies at all? If your answer is yes then you should really be excited about the phenomenon called the "Internet of Things". It's anything and everything – from the industrial gadgets to smart wearable technology. Usually, these gadgets house some sensors to automatically adjust their settings to suit the person wearing them or working with them like in a building they can control the temperature and lightings. Just like cool devices spies have, these devices can do miraculous things in effective ways. Put simply, Internet of Things is the future. History of the Internet of Things The term Internet of Things was first coined it 90s by an entrepreneur Kevin Ashton who was a member of the team that discovered how to link the objects with internet using an RFID tag. Nevertheless, the idea behind the Internet of Things & Wearable Technology is far older than one might think. Some people consider the abacus